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Faculty of Life Sciences: Food, Nutrition and Health

Junior Professor of Food Sociology – Jun.-Prof. Dr. Tina Bartelmeß

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Team > Constanze Betz

Foto Constanze Betz Constanze Betz
Foto Constanze Betz

Faculty 7 - Faculty of Life Sciences: Food, Nutrition, and Health
Food Sociology

Academic Record

seit 09/2022

Research assistant in the project HaPpen "GP-centered obesity prevention program Exercise and Nutrition", PhD student, Junior Professorship of Food Sociology, University of Bayreuth

10/2021 – 08/2022

Part-time research assistant, Junior Professorship of Food Sociology, University of Bayreuth

10/2014 – 02/2021

Studies of German language and literature and sports, University of Bayreuth; graduation: 1st state examination as teacher for German and sports for higher education

Admission thesis: Education in and through sport - sport-specific behavioral differences as a result of (in-)formal rules.

Foto Constanze Betz

Faculty 7 - Faculty of Life Sciences: Food, Nutrition, and Health
Food Sociology

Constanze Betz works on contextual influences on nutritional behavior in different social groups. The focus is on the one hand on dance as an object of investigation, on the other hand on the environmental conditions of organization, social roles and identities as well as communication (within) these phenomena.

In the context of HaPpen, Constanze Betz investigates, among other things, the question of how social interaction and the social environment support or hinder obese patients on their therapeutic path.

Foto Constanze Betz

Faculty 7 - Faculty of Life Sciences: Food, Nutrition, and Health
Food Sociology



Haderer, Marika; Hofmann, Reiner; Bartelmeß, Tina; König, Laura M.; Betz, Constanze; Al Masri, Mirna; Bader, Alisa; von Schau, Natascha
General practitioner-centered rural obesity management : Design, protocol and baseline data of ...
in Preventive Medicine Reports volume 49 (2025)
doi:10.1016/j.pmedr.2024.102959 ...

König, Laura M.; Betz, Constanze; Al Masri, Mirna; Bartelmeß, Tina
Health behaviours and mobile intervention use in patients recruited from general practitioners' ...
in Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine volume 13 (2025) issue 1
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00008144 ...


Jasiok, Sarah; Betz, Constanze; Wiegel, Silvia; Bartelmeß, Tina
Essen im Lauf des Lebens
in ernährung heute (2023) issue 3. - page 4-7


Grenzfurtner, Wolfgang; Bartelmeß, Tina; Betz, Constanze; Fikar, Christian
Health conditions of truck drivers and their impact on the food supply chain resilience
29th EurOMA Conference : "Brilliance in resilience: operations and supply chain management’s role in achieving a sustainable future", Berlin, Germany

Foto Constanze Betz

Faculty 7 - Faculty of Life Sciences: Food, Nutrition, and Health
Food Sociology

Constanze Betz
Research assistant and PhD candidate Project team member HAPpEN - Hausarztzentriertres Adipositas-Präventionsprogramm - Exercise & Nutrition

Campus Kulmbach, Office 1.12

Fritz-Hornschuch-Str. 13

95326 Kulmbach


E-mail: constanze.betz@uni-bayreuth.de

Webmaster: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Tina Bartelmeß

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